10. What is your main role at work: “a loser”, “a winner”, “a hard worker”, “a rebel”, “a rescuer”, “a victim”…?

Throughout our upbringing and schooling stages we start to lose our spontaneity and creativity steadily, our true self, which has resulted in a restrained view of possibilities and choices now and here.

Within the perception of restricted choices and options we function in a robotic fashion with our creativity and spontaneity lying dormant.

If you turn around yourself, you will notice that people have started looking like each other. Lifeless eyes, no smile, no emotions, no creative energy, no stamina.

A new generation of robots made of flesh and blood is ready to abide by modern times requirements. What a production line!

In this way programmed we continue to play the assigned ROLES in different situations in the same way.

The majority of those roles were determined and influenced by our families, teachers, our environment as we were growing up.

The assumption of the roles happens in various ways. We could have been assigned a role by others or have taken on a role because that is what we perceived as available and beneficial.

As we continue through life in those roles, we become really good at them, and people in our lives relate to us according to those roles expecting us to perform accordingly.

We could move away from our families, or get divorced, or change countries, or change a job, but if we carry the same roles, we will find ourselves caught in the same ways of role-playing, relating and expectations. Some examples of those roles are: “a loser”, “a winner”, “a hard worker”, “a rebel”, “a rescuer”, “a victim” etc.

Why Coaching Drama sessions?

Because we have only a one-way ticket for a life journey. The missed opportunities cannot be seized again. If something has been framed in a wrong way, then we should find the way to reframe it and adopt something else that suits our personality better.

One of the goals of Coaching Drama via REFRAMING and ENACTMENT is to expand a person’s ROLE RANGE and to assist people to create new roles that are more effective for personal growth and freedom.

Role-playing is one of psychodrama techniques, an enormously powerful tool ,which will allow YOU to experience some new challenges, to go beyond your limits, to change your focus and consequently to regain your spontaneity and creativity, to be yourself again.

Along with awaken spontaneity and creativity, by acting different roles out you can explore how other people are likely to respond to different approaches, and you can get a feeling for telling which approaches are likely to be effective from those which might be totally counter-productive.

Thus, you can solve a lot of delicate issues which require communication with diverse human profiles. Moreover, you can get a sense what people might be thinking or feeling in the situations acted out.

Furthermore, by preparing for a situation using a role-play tool, you build up experience and self-confidence with handling real life situations and you can develop a quick and instinctive response to such situations as well. A good preparation is a half battle fought!

When you get ready for a change, book your first Coaching Drama session.

More about Coaching Drama you can find at www.CoachingDrama.com

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