17. What to do when Coaching doesn’t work ?

For decades, Coaching has been promoted as a system for “unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance”.

This sounds very promising. 😍

However, the truth is that coaching only works for one group of clients. 😔

These are the clients who, when they encounter an obstacle, react from the Adult ego state.
They use their resources according to the situation.
This means that they know how to manage stress from the Adult ego state.
Such a person has a very high self-awareness. He/she accepts his/her weaknesses, does not treat them as a threat, but as an opportunity to improve.

When self-awareness is at a lower level, people react to a stressful situation either from the Child ego state or from the Negative Critical Parent state.

Consequently, such people become either submissive or aggressive towards their surroundings.
If they are in management positions, under excessive stress they become “an issue” for the company, and they can be coached by the best coach in the world, but they will never unlock a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. In the event of bad news they get overwhelmed to quit being a problem solver and become either a blamer or a mere onlooker.  

By designing the Coaching Drama system, Dragana Petkovski Majstorović has found the solution to what to do with clients who cannot be coached due to the previously described situation. During their childhood, schooling and career, even very successful managers have developed some limiting beliefs, convictions, values…  that hinder their further growth and interpersonal relations
These are beliefs such as: “I am (still) not good enough!” or “I must be perfect” or “I must always work with incompetent employees!“…

If you are familiar with Transactional Analysis (TA) then you are very close to understanding the following statement: Coaching is only possible with clients who have the opinion I am OK – You’re OK. A client who is OK with himself/herself is only able to be OK with others. There are not interpersonal skills without intrapersonal ones.  

Companies can try different coaches or methodologies, but for all those who are most of their time in one of the below-mentioned existential positions, it is not possible to achieve satisfactory results with standard coaching.

Those 3 existential positions are:
I’m OK – You’re not OK
  I’m not OK – You’re OK 
 I’m not OK – You’re not OK

The main advantage of Coaching Drama is that the client gets an insight into why he/she behaves and communicates in an inadequate way in a given situation.

The goal of Coaching Drama is to raise the client’s self-awareness, to enable him/her self-acceptanceself-empowerment and to raise Emotional Intelligence (EI).
By raising Emotional Intelligence a client raises awareness of authentic emotions, as opposed to “masked” emotions.

Why do clients accept Coaching Drama positively? 🤗

Because a change is inevitable during the Coaching Drama sessions. A client regains power over his/her own behavior and communication. Coaching Drama assists clients to become aware of triggers that influence them to go into one of these above-mentioned existential positions. When you are aware of what is going on with you under stress, you have power to choose how you will react! 

If this text gives you an idea that you or some of your top directors still have some difficulties to reach your/his/her maximum potential through coaching, you should try Coaching Drama! 
Should you have any additional questions, please send me a message.

More about Coaching Drama you can find at www.CoachingDrama.com

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